Welcome to Lincoln High School

Welcome to Lincoln High School, home of the Links. At Lincoln High School, our mission is to prepare each student to use multiple perspectives and individual talents to live, learn, and work in a diverse society. That statement embodies our beliefs in the value of each student, in diversity, and in our responsibility to prepare all of our students for what comes after high school. I am proud to work alongside a talented and committed staff at Lincoln High who care deeply about students and their success.
At Lincoln High School our School Improvement Goal is to increase the engagement for all students.
Engagement is when students are interested, curious, and motivated to learn. Students show us they are engaged when they talk about their learning, ask questions, show effort, and reflect on their learning. A growth mindset, high expectations, and strong relationships, and a hope for the future foster engagement. Higher student engagement leads to improved attendance and grades and a decrease in behavior referrals. Students, parents, and staff all play a role in increasing engagement at Lincoln High School.
To achieve these goals, Lincoln High School has many unique opportunities for our students to learn and engage in the learning process. We are one of three high schools in Nebraska that is an International Baccalaureate World School. This challenging program pushes students academically and personally, as they find their place in our ever-changing world. At LHS, we also offer many opportunities for our students to be involved and engaged outside of the classroom. From music to clubs, from Theatre to sports, Lincoln High students can find their own unique niche. Also, through 9th and 10th Grade Teaming at Lincoln High School, each student is known and valued as an individual. In 9th and 10th grade, our students are placed on teams with about 100 other students who share common teachers, administrators, and counselors who meet weekly to track student progress and put supports in place to help students be successful. We also believe in and use Restorative Practices which is based in our beliefs that relationships are vital to learning and that it is part of our work to teach our students to repair those important relationships.
In order to achieve our goals, and in order for each student to be successful we know that is going to take a team effort. This means that teachers, support staff, students, parents, and community members have to come together. I look forward to meeting you and working together to help our students fulfill their potential.
Mark Larson
Lincoln High School
(402) 436-1544